Cookies Policy

Welcome to Infoxtechpedia!  

INFOXTECHPEDIA purpose of this information and we are a vivid supporter for user security at So that we may fulfill this ambition, and also to ensure proper functionality of our website (such as loading times), in some  cases we store small pieces of data called cookies on your device.  You agree to our cookies if you continue to use this website by clicking the "Accept" button.

What Are Cookies?

Côókies are small tèxt files thât are placēd on yòur devicé by a website when yöu visit.  Thèse are coôkies that allôw you tô identify yourself or remēmber yoûr preferences for whèn you chånge the way a wébsite behavēs.  These include ensuring that when you visit our websites, your preferred language settings are retained, keeping you logged in and deducting this from open session counts to limit the amount of data we need to store about each user.  We can thus provide you with even more in-depth knowledge and a greater experience through the use of cookies.

Managing Cookies

The most important thing is your privacy and user experience with our app.  To this effect, we offer you the possibility of administering your cookie preferences directly in our website.  Accept Please remember that if you choose to reject the use of cookies, some functions and features of our website may not work properly.  Your account could be affected and this might affect your experience, maybe blocking service or content.

Commitment to Privacy

We care for your privacy and nothing is more important to us than protecting it!  Our cookies capture your user preferences and enhance overall web performance, without overstepping the line when it comes to privacy or security.  You are NOT tracked beyond our terms: Cookies Collection Do we use 'cookies'?

Contact us

Your confidence means a lot to us and we uphold the highest standards of transparency & privacy.  If you have any further questions or need more information about cokkie policy and our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected].  We are here to help with questions, 7 days a week

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