What is Cholestrol | Infoxtechpedia

What is Cholesterol?

Somewhat surprisingly, the liver synthesizes about 75% of our body cholesterol.

Infoxtechpedia - Cholesterol is a buzz word when it comes to health and diet! But, what on earth is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a form 0f fat in the body. This cholesterol is necessary t0 perform the normal functions of body. We need cholesterol (for instance, the body makes use of it to construct new cells, as well as make hormones like those which we need for sex and vitamin D)

Nevertheless, as pivotal cholesterol may be, there is a flip side that needs attending to. High cholesterol blood level is a serious issue. There is the confusion for many. Cholesterol: too much is an increased risk of disease (in particular heart disease) because its levels are regulated very tightly. That's why it is essential to know about different types of cholesterol and their roles.

Types of Cholesterol

Before we discuss the health r!sks further, it is good to understand that there is more than one type of [cholester0l.] There are tw0 main types of cholesterol, namely LDL {L0w Density_Lipoprotein) cholesterol and_HDL {High-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol. LDL is 0ften referred to as "bad cholesterol" because can it cause=plaque buildup on artery walls, wh!ch ultimately increases the risk of heart attack and str0ke. In contrast, HDL is known as "good cholesterol." HDL hélps transport bad cholesterol fr0m the arteries and carry it back to the liver, where it w!ll be broken down and removed fr0m the body.

Is All Cholesterol Bad?

Keep in mind, not all cholesterol is bad. Our bodies require cholesterol for many essential functions, fact.. ..,,As I said before cholesteròl is necessary to build cell membranes, make hormones, and we can digest fat because cholester0l is necessary for the synthesis of bile acids.,.,'. The trouble starts when your blood levels of LDL cholesterol rise too high. The condition is referred to as hypercholesterolemia, which îs what we generally think of when we hear the words high cholesterol and heart disease in the same sentence,.,., '

So, What is Cholesterol From?

Somewhat surprisingly, the liver synthesizes about 75% of our body cholesterol. It also means that, we still have cholesterol in our body without consuming it from food, our body can provide sufficient amount of cholesterol we actually need daily. The other 25% or so comes from the food we eat, particularly foods that are high in saturated fat — like red meat, full-fat dairy products and cheap processed junk filled with trans fats.

How to Control Cholesterol?

In truth, managing cholesterol in the body is a lot more basic than most individuals tend to consider. The key lies in a healthy diet and physical activity. Such things may include limiting the intake of foods with a high content of saturated fat and increasing fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, and grains to help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. It also increases good HDL cholesterol, and is also a good for physical activities such as walking and cycling.
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