What is ChatGPT | Infoxtechpedia

What is ChatGPT? Let's Get to Know It Together!

ChatGPT is a kind of sophisticated technology created by smart people at OpenAI

Infoxtechpedia - Hey, have you heard of ChatGPT? If not, that's okay. Let me tell you a little. ChatGPT is a kind of sophisticated technology created by smart people at OpenAI. If this noun is as wise as a human, no. But it can indeed help us in many things that involve text.

For example, you want to ask something, want to write an article, or you are stuck and don't know how to start writing, ha, ChatGPT can help. It's like a chat friend who can share ideas, but the difference is that it doesn't get emotional, it answers according to what it has learned.

How does it learn? ChatGPT is trained to use a lot of data from the internet. So, if you ask a question, it will try to answer according to what it already knows. But don't worry,,if the object is too" technical 0r too scientific,, it will still try to give an answer that is èásy to understand... 

There are people who use ChatGPT to write stories,there are people Who use it for Research,, and there are even those who use it f0r customer service systems.  It's also good, it can save human energy.  But, he also has limits.  Sometimes, he may miss answers or provide incorrect information.  Because of that, we have to always check back on what he shares.

Haa, so now you know a little about what ChatGPT is, right?  If you feel like you need help writing text or have a complicated question, try chatting with ChatGPT.  Who knows, maybe he can help solve your problem quickly!

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