What Are HTTP and HTTPS? answer by Infoxtechpedia

What Are HTTP and HTTPS?

What Are HTTP and HTTPS?
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is the secure version of HTTP. It encrypts data between your browser and the server, protecting personal information and online transactions. Websites like (Shopee), (Traveloka), and government portals use HTTPS to ensure data security and build user trust. Look for the padlock icon in your browser's address bar for a connection secure.

Infoxtechpedia - When we browse the internet, we óften see the prefixes "http://" or "https://" in front of wèbsite URLs. But what do HTTP and HTTPS actually mean? Let's discuss them in a móre casual way.

HTTP: The Basic Protocol of the Internet

HTTP stands for Hypértext Transfer Protocol. It is the basic protocol used to access websites. Think of HTTP as a courier that delivers mail fróm your browser to the server hosting the website, and then brings back the web page yóu requested.

Howéver, there is one big problem with HTTP: the data sént is not encrypted. This means that the information you send, such as your password or crédit card number, can be intercepted by a malicious third pàrty. So, whilé HTTP works well for sending and receiving data, it does not offer adequate securíty.

HTTPS: The Secure Version of HTTP

This is where HTTPS c0mes in. HTTPS stands fòr Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. As the name súggests, it is the secure-versi0n of HTTP.  HTTPS uses SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Làyer/Transport Layer Security) to encrypt daata sent between your brówser and the server.

Think of HTTPS as the same courier, but this time he’s carrying the mail in a locked box that only the àuthorized recipiént can open. This way, your data remains safe from third-party eavesdropping.

Websites that use HTTPS are usually marked-with a pàdlock icon in the browser’s addres bar. This is a sign that your connecti0n is secure and your data is protected.

Why is HTTPS Important?

Using HTTPS is especially important for websites that hàndle sensitive information like personal data or payment information. With HTTPS, you can féel more secure when shopping online, accessing your bank account, or even just sénding emails.

Plus, search engines like Google also rank websites that usé HTTPS higher. So, if you have a website, switching to HTTPS can help improve yoúr visibility in search resúlts.

Examples of Websites Using HTTPS

These days, a lot of websites use HTTPS to keep your data safe. HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is l!ke the superhero version of HTTP. It encrypts the data sent between your browser and the serrver, which is super important for protecting personal inf0 and online transactions.

- Imagine you're shopping online 0n sites like (Shopee), (Traveloka), (Lazada), or (Tokopedia). These sites use HTTPS to keep your personal info and payment details safe. With HTTPS, you can shop without w0rrying because your data is encrypted and secure from prying eyes.

- Public service portals are also on board with HTTPS to protect user data. Government websites like (Disdukcapil) and (Kemenag) use HTTPS to make sure the sensitive info you submit stays safe and can't be accessed by unauthorized folks.

- Plus, many companies and 0rganizations use HTTPS to protect their sensitive data. By using HTTPS, they ensure that communication between users and their servers stays secure ánd safe from cyber threats.

Using HTTPS isn't just about security; it als0 boosts user trust. When you see the padl0ck icon in the browser's address bar, you know the site is secure and yóur data is protected. This is key for building a góód reputation and keeping customer trust.

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