Why Your Phone Heats Up While Charging and How to Fix it

Why Is Your Phone Getting Hot When You Charge?

Fast Charging It is a really nice feature that saves you time, but it heats up the phone's battery. This one is the simple one to u

Infoxtechpedia - Have you noticed that your phone gets hotter when it is recharging? That can happen to anyone, and although there may not be anything seriously wrong in most cases, you should certainly keep an eye on it. Find out why this happens and ways to prevent your smartphone from becoming overheated or unhealthy.

Why is your smartphone heating?

So why is my phone heating up during charging? Let us go through a few of the top causes:

1. Fast Charging

It is a really nice feature that saves you time, but it heats up the phone's battery. This one is the simple one to understand — while you are fast charging your battery, a higher current will automatically push more energy into your battery making it warm.

2. Using it while charging

Everyone knows we live in the age of temptation, you plug your phone and it is quite normal to scroll through social media or play a game until half-hour or more pass by — well this happens every time. The minute you plug in your phone and start using it, on its first job to power that app but simultaneously conceived a whole new plan for the battery now. The additional tasks create heat.

3. High Ambient Temperature

Do not use or charge your phone in a sauna, steam room, hot tub or similar environments. The temperature of the environment you are in certainly affects how well your phone can cool down. If your phone is being charged in sunlight or a hot room that can make the heating issue worst.

4. Faulty charger or cable

All chargers and cables> are not created equally. Overheating can occur from using a charger which is not advisable for your phone. This is because non-compatible chargers can provide the incorrect amount of power, causing your phone to do more work adjusting.

5. Background Processes

While it feels like your phone is hot from all the activity you have been doing, half of what heats up your device usually goes on in the background. Background apps, auto-updates or location services may keep your phone doing something when it is being charged.

Here is something to consider: How to Avoid Your Phone Overheating

Now that you know what the problems are behind your phone getting heated up, here's how to keep it cool.

1. Use a quality charger

Use the charger that initially came with your phone or one recommended by your manufacturer. Quality chargers are made specifically for your device and will be less prone to overheating during use.

2. Do Not Make Calls With Your Phone Charging

Whenever you can, put your phone down when it's charging! This takes the load off of the battery and it is charged more efficiently without taking up much heat.

3. Cool water will never stop the charge.

Charge in a cool and airy room only. Keep your phone from getting warm by charging it away from the heat, such as in direct sunlight or around other sources of hotness.

4. Close Unnecessary Apps

Before you go ahead and plug your phone in, the first step is to close all applications which are not being used. This will decrease the workload on your charging phone, leading to less heating of it.

5. Remove the Phone Case

If your phone starts to feel warm, remove the case while charging. There are models in which certain cases retain heat, and its removal will be beneficial to allow the air flow.


Similarly, it is expected for a charging handset to get warm as heat will be generated — but not too hot already which could mean there are other issues. These easy to follow tips can help you avoid that your phone overheats and works well. And of course, good battery practices today can only help prolong the inevitable demise.

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